Canadian Immigration Services
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Eddie H. Kadri represents some of the largest multinational corporations doing business throughout North America. He offers a wide array of Canadian Immigration services and facilities business expansions from foreign markets into Canada, including intra company transferee’s for Executives, Managers and Specialized Knowledge personnel.
الهجرة الدائمة
Permanent Immigration & Canadian Citizenship
الهجرة المؤقتة
Work Permits, Study Permits, Visa Applications
Effective Legal Representation
Eddie Kadri is uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive legal services in the field of Canadian immigration and related business matters.
As your Immigration counsel, Eddie Kadri can help determine the advantages of either commencing the process with a Temporary Immigration Application such as work permit, or proceeding straight to Permanent Immigration strategy such as Provincial Nominee process. After all, immigrating to Canada can be a once in a life opportunity for those fortunate enough to be selected. If you’re interested in immigrating to Canada, you should seek credible and trustworthy legal advice before making any decisions with respect to Canadian Immigration strategies.
Eddie Kadri will use his advanced understanding of all procedural and human nuances in order to determine if certain Immigration applications can be expedited using the Port of Entry over Consular processing. Such matters are areas of expertise that require a high level of sophistication and ongoing involvement in the process and procedures associated with Canadian Immigration. Further, Eddie Kadri’s extensive experience and familiarity with all Canadian immigrant programs, procedural avenues, and other relevant issues offer his clients a unique and significant advantage.
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