Doing Business in Canada
Find the perfect immigration program
Since 1978, Canada has operated entrepreneur and investor programs to support economic development. For almost 2 decades, Kadri Law has worked with the Government of Canada and the public sector to provide input and submissions on policy insights. The goal has been to create and offer innovative program options to help strengthen entrepreneur and investor immigration and its role in supporting job creation and economic growth in Canada.
Canada offers over 64 Immigration Programs
Canada has over 64 different immigration programs that can potentially lead to the acquisition of Permanent immigration status. Any one legal strategy we would ultimately devise and execute would depend on both the short and long term objectives of each client. Our business immigration team will assess every person’s individual qualifications and stated objectives for the purposes of optimizing the potential for success in each instance.
Immigration Benefits of doing business in Canada
Kadri Law utilizes our wealth of cumulative experience and expertise having successfully processed over 10,000 Canadian immigration applications over the course of 2 decades. We put our firm’s industry leading record of success together with our network of professionals and resources to work for you. Once we have ascertained the immigration goals and objectives you seek to accomplish, we craft the right strategy to enable your ability to do business in Canada. Our legal strategies are dynamic and evolve based upon new program requirements and criteria that constantly change. We begin by examining all immediate criteria where Canadian Permanent Residence can be pursued as a long term strategy. For those who do not have a viable path to immigrate at the onset, we can facilitate temporary entry on a more immediate basis as a foreign worker while we work with the client to transition to Canadian Permanent Residence once a future viable path has been cultivated. In many such cases, we help a client come to Canada as a worker and concurrently pursue a path to enable a transition to immigrant status all as part of a comprehensive immigration strategy.
Most business immigration programs offering permanent residence status, including entrepreneur, investor, and self employed programs are generally aimed at individuals with an established personal net worth and who intend to establish and operate a business in Canada. However, the Province of Quebec currently offers Canada’s only passive Investor Program geared towards high net worth individuals who wish to make a passive investment with no obligation to establish a business. This is a comparison that must be evaluated and scrutinized in order to determine which path best suits your objectives.
Kadri Law represents many foreign nationals with sufficient wealth and business acumen that seek to buy or establish a new business in Canada. We work with them from all aspects of the business purchase transaction to the qualification for a temporary work visa enabling immediate entry into Canada. After arriving in Canada and working for a period of time, we continue to work with these individuals to enable a transition to permanent residence under an Immigration program that accounts for eligible work experience acquired in Canada.
Our Approach
تراكمت لدى Kadri Law ثروة من المعرفة والخبرة في جميع مجالات الهجرة الكندية وقانون الأعمال. لما يقرب من عقدين من الزمن ، عالجنا بنجاح أكثر من 10000 حالة هجرة كندية باستخدام كل برنامج هجرة ممكن يقدمه كندا. نحن ملتزمون بإيجاد البرنامج المناسب لك ، البرنامج الذي يلبي أهدافك وغاياتك على أفضل وجه مع تحسين فرصك للنجاح.
نحن نقدم تمثيلًا قانونيًا موثوقًا به وجديرًا بالثقة مع الاستمرار في رفع المستوى مع الالتزام الرائد في الصناعة برضا العملاء وتقديم نتائج استثنائية.
If you want to do business in Canada, contact Kadri Law to begin the process of analyzing your circumstances and determining the viability of Canadian Immigration benefits that can be derived from business strategies.
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