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Find the perfect immigration program
Doing business in a global economy means your Company places a premium on being able to transfer human and material resources across international borders with minimal restrictions. Canada has a growing economy, an educated workforce, excellent telecommunications capabilities, and a high standard of living. These and may other factors make Canada a desirable location for cross-border business ventures and global economic trade. In fact, most US retailers and industries are all doing business in Canada because of the similarities between US and Canadian markets.
Whether you want to undertake a new start-up business venture in Canada, expand your existing business into Canada, or expand a Canadian business into a foreign market, you need to seek the representation of a legal professional with the knowledge and expertise to facilitate such transactions. Corporate clients who retain the services of Kadri Law and our team of leading professionals value the in-depth understanding of legislative and regulatory issues that we bring to the table together with our combined 80 years of industry leading services. We will analyze your circumstances and help you navigate through any challenges while optimizing your opportunity for success in the global economy of cross-border international business.
Investment in Canada
Expanding your business into Canada may be a tremendous opportunity to serve a vibrant and growing market of Canadian consumers. Canada is a unique market for international expansion given cultural similarities and geographic proximity between Canada and the US. Canada has also made commitments both in its participation in several free trade agreements and within its domestic immigration laws to open borders and facilitate multilateral trade and investment.
There are several different vehicles available for conducting a business in Canada, each with its own potential advantages and considerations. A foreign entity looking to carry on business in Canada should consider such key factors as tax and liability issues when selecting the most appropriate business conduit. As part of our advantage being a full service provider, we work with leading professionals in all areas such as taxation, investment, financing, and commercial law. We will help you identify areas of concerns and direct you through our network of professionals who devise comprehensive legal strategies to advance or protect your interests, as the need may be.
The decision to expand your business into Canada is a dynamic and involved one that should be based on advice from trusted and credible professionals. The Canadian government is anxious to foster a business climate that is receptive to foreign investment. At the same time, consideration by the government of Canada will always favour foreign investment when the calculus can establish a net benefit to Canadians and our economy. All foreign investment and business immigration strategies should account for the ability to enhance Canada’s economy and create opportunities for Canadians.
Immigration Benefits of doing business in Canada
Canada has a strong economic culture. If you have experience in the ownership and management of a business, you may qualify for a Canadian immigration program. Business immigrants are people who have the means and capabilities of making an investment in Canada and who are expected to support the development of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy. Canada traditionally has welcomed three classes of business immigrants that include investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons. However, based upon the specific needs of the Canadian economy and the availability of Government resources to administer such programs, certain classes of Business Immigrants are created from time to time to meet the objectives of the Canadian economy. For more information on the availability of any categories and classes of business immigration, the qualifications required, and the most recent selection criteria being implemented, please contact us to arrange a comprehensive immigration consultation.
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